Dynamic WLAN configuration for ESP8266/ESP32|AutoConnect

ESP8266 and ESP32 both are most popular development Board. Both are support WLAN Communication. But mostly we are using SSID and Password in code that we flash on Board. But sometimes we want to change or use another WLAN connectivity credentials. It means we need Dynamic WLAN Configuration.

But Autoconnect is an Arduino library for ESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at run time with web interface. So we don’t need flash board if we want use Dynamic WLAN Configuration.

AutoConnect for ESP8266/ESP32 | Dynamic WLAN configuration for ESP8266/ESP32

To the dynamic configuration for joining to WLAN with SSID and PSK accordingly. It an Arduino library united with ESP8266WebServer class for ESP8266 or WebServer class for ESP32. Easy implementing the Web interface constituting the WLAN for ESP8266/ESP32 WiFi connection. With this library to make a sketch easily which connects from ESP8266/ESP32 to the access point at runtime by the web interface without hard-coded SSID and password.

Features of Autoconnect:

No need pre-coded SSID & password

It is no needed hard-coding in advance the SSID and Password into the sketch to connect between ESP8266/ESP32 and WLAN. You can input SSID & Password from a smartphone via the web interface at runtime.

Simple usage

AutoConnect control screen will be displayed automatically for establishing new connections. It aids by the captive portal when vested the connection cannot be detected.
By using the AutoConnect menu, to manage the connections convenient.

Store the established connection

The connection authentication data as credentials are saved automatically in the flash of ESP8266/ESP32 and You can select the past SSID from the AutoConnect menu.

Easy to embed in

AutoConnect can be placed easily in your sketch. It’s “begin” and “handleClient” only.

Lives with your sketches

The sketches which provide the web page using ESP8266WebServer there is, AutoConnect will not disturb it. AutoConnect can use an already instantiated ESP8266WebServer object, or itself can assign it. This effect also applies to ESP32. The corresponding class for ESP32 will be the WebServer.

Easy to add the custom Web pages

You can easily add your owned web pages that can consist of representative HTML elements and invoke them from the menu. Further it possible importing the custom Web pages declarations described with JSON which stored in PROGMEM, SPIFFS, or SD.

Quick and easy to equip the OTA update feature

You can quickly and easily equip the OTA update feature to your sketch and also you can operate the firmware update process via OTA from AutoConnect menu.

How it works| How embed the AutoConnect to the sketches you have

Most simple approach to applying AutoConnect for the existing sketches, follow the below steps.

Supported hardware

  • Generic ESP8266 modules (applying the ESP8266 Community’s Arduino core)
  • Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 (ESP-12)
  • ESP-WROOM-02
  • Heltec WiFi Kit 8
  • NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12) / NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E)
  • Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266
  • SparkFun Thing
  • SweetPea ESP-210
  • ESP32Dev Board (applying the Espressif’s arduino-esp32 core)
  • SparkFun ESP32 Thing
  • Ai-Thinker NodeMCU-32S
  • Heltec WiFi Kit 32
  • M5Stack
  • And other ESP8266/ESP32 modules supported by the Additional Board Manager URLs of the Arduino-IDE.

More usages, Installation and Documentation

Full documentation is available on https://Hieromon.github.io/AutoConnect.

Article Credit – Umawati Nikam

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Harshvardhan Mishra

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