Connect ROCK Pi via VNC |Install VNC server on your ROCK Pi 4

In this Tutorial we learn how to Connect ROCK Pi via VNC. This guide describes how to Install VNC server on your ROCK Pi 4. Here we use ROCK Pi 4 with Ubuntu system image.

Nowadays Rock Pi Boards are popular. Rock Pi is the best alternative of Raspberry Pi. Rock Pi 4 is a most popular SBC. Rock Pi Developed and Manufactured by Radxa. Radxa is a startup founded 2013, focusing on design, manufacture and sell Open Source Hardware products. Radxa also provides custom designing, prototyping and software/hardware integration services. Radxa® is pronounced as [reksə]. The name is from the Latin word radix which means root. Radxa® is a registered trade mark by Radxa Limited in Shenzhen, China(深圳市瑞莎科技).

Here a info post about Rock Pi Boards – Rock Pi Boards | Rock Pi 4 | Rock Pi X | Rock Pi N10

Connect ROCK Pi via VNC |Install VNC server on your ROCK Pi 4

  • Install VNC server
   sudo apt-get install xfce4
   sudo apt-get install vnc4server
   sudo apt-get install xrdp
  • Run the VNC server followed by setting password
   sudo vncserver
  • Edit the config file
   sudo vim ~/.vnc/xstartup
  • Change the contents to:
   [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
   [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
   vncconfig -iconic &
   xfce4-session & 
  • Restart the vncserver and xrdp
   sudo vncserver -kill :1      #Kill the vncserver process
   sudo vncserver               #Restart the vncserver
   sudo service xrdp restart    #Restart the xrdp

Install VNC client on your Linux PC

  • Install VNC Viewer

Download VNC Viewer and install it on your PC.

   sudo dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-6.19.325-Linux-x64.deb
  • Connect ROCK Pi 4

Power on your ROCK Pi 4 and make sure that it is connected to the network.

Type on your PC:

   vncviewer <IP address of ROCK Pi 4>:1

If you don’t know what the IP address of your ROCK Pi 4 is, type this on your ROCK Pi 4:

   ifconfig  #type the command, man config, to get some help

If the IP address of ROCK Pi 4 is, type vncviewer to connect to it, and then input your VNC password can open the desktop.

Source – (official radxa wiki)

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Harshvardhan Mishra

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