Smart City and IoT | Role of Internet of Things in Smart City

In this article we discuss Smart city and IoT. And what is Role of Internet of things in smart city. We know that IoT play a major role in Smart city. Here first question is What is Smart City ? But there is no proper definition that universally accepted. It means different things to different people.

A city equipped with basic infrastructure to give a decent quality of life, a clean and sustainable environment through application of some smart solutions such as smart parking, lighting, Roads, Garbage monitoring solutions and quick smart emergency response system.

To provide for the aspirations and needs of the citizens, urban planners ideally aim at developing the entire urban eco-system, which is represented by the four pillars of comprehensive development-institutional, physical, social and economic infrastructure.

Smart city planners ideally aim at developing the entire urban eco-system and infrastructure, which is represented by the four pillars. These four pillars can be Comprehensive development-institutional , Physical, Social and Economic infrastructure.

Required Basic infrastructure

First question is what is required basic infrastructure for a city call as Smart city. Here is some key points for a smart city.

  • Smart Parking
  • Smart Lighting
  • Smart Roads
  • Structural Health
  • Monitoring Surveillance
  • Emergency Response

Some other areas are Water and electricity supply, Garbage Monitoring and management system, Air quality monitoring and control system, Seamless Transportation system, e-governannce and citizen participation, robust connectivity and quick emergency response system.

Purpose of the smart city is establish a smart infrastructure, seamless transportation and drive economic growth and improve of life and basic needs of citizens by enabling local development.

Role of Internet of Things in Smart City

Nowadays we are using Internet of things for establish a smart infrastructure for a city because IoT provides all smart solutions related to major problems of a city. We discuss some basic needs and problems of a city with Solutions that solved by Internet of things.

Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can connect vehicles and infrastructure everywhere in a city, and make it safer, smarter and operate more efficiently. Technology has advanced to some extent in which there can be a real-time and meaningful interaction between towns, citizens, and agencies. Smart cities are groups that harness an area to transform bodily structures and services in a way that complements the existence of its residents and business at the same time and also making authorities extra efficient. Smart traffic signals, Smart parking, Smart street lights etc are smart solution can be build and implement with help of IoT. So we can build a intelligent City.

Key Points

  • Street Lighting
  • Traffic Light
  • Smart Parking
  • Garbage Bin Monitoring
  • Elevator
  • LED Lighting
  • Advertisement Display
  • Digital Signage

* Boosted by technologies going mainstream, a better structured ecosystem and proven use cases appear in various verticals. M2M services indeed are set to play a key role in our increasingly connected world. M2M development brings inspirations for creating a smart city. In these cities, individual areas are already becoming “smarter” – from connected street lighting to intelligent public safety, from smart energy to water management. The technical basis for the Smart City is IoT. At the heart of each IoT application is the IoT module.

*Street-lighting – Cities, public organizations and Industries across the country want to reduce high energy and lighting costs by replacing their aging outdoor and street-lighting infrastructure. Smart lighting control is an example of how the Internet of Things can generate real financial savings by embedding intelligence and connectivity into everyday objects. Smart lighting makes outdoor lighting more efficient, safe, and affordable with open-standard control networking technology. Smart street-lighting sensors are connected to IOT technologies.

*Smart Parking – Smart Parking is most important component for a smart city because Searching for a parking spot in a crowded city center can at times be annoying and time-consuming. According to many researches, drivers aimlessly looking for a place to park cause up to 30 percent of all urban traffic congestion – not to mention the environmental cost and energy waste. However, a smart parking IoT solution could solve these problems. NB-IoT is a suitable technology for smart parking in cities, which can help realize the reservation and sharing of idle parking space.

*Garbage Bin Monitoring– This is major Problem of every city but we solved with Web-based waste container monitoring and advanced forecasting system can greatly improve efficiency for waste collection fleets. It has wireless module and sensor installed in the waste containers, which can monitor whether the garbage bin is full or whether there is a potential fire, and the module will send relevant data to the backend for analysis. The system then calculates optimised collection schedules and routes, send the information to urban cleaners, and hence increase their work efficiency and save manpower cost.

*Smart Environment Monitoring – Sensors can be placed around the city to continuously monitor critical environmental parameters like electromagnetic field, noise, temperature/humidity, CO2/toxic gases, combustion gases to detect fire and so on. Analysis of this data can give insights on critical environmental conditions at various places in the city along with their trends.

Internet of Things (IoT) is empowering cities to respond quickly to demographic and economic shifts. It connects devices, vehicles and infrastructure everywhere in a city and makes it safer, smarter and operate more efficiently.

Reference –

* Originally published at

Quectel is the leading global supplier of cellular and GNSS modules, with a broad product portfolio covering the most recent wireless technologies of 5G, LTE/LTE-A, NB-IoT/LTE-M, UMTS/HSPA(+), GSM/GPRS and GNSS.

Feature image reference –

So, After reading this article I Hope you like our explanation. We covered a detailed information about Smart city and IoT and Role of internet of things in smart city. Furthermore, stay tuned to learn more about Internet of Things (IoT). Till then keep liking and give your valuable feedback.

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Harshvardhan Mishra

Hi, I'm Harshvardhan Mishra. I am a tech blogger and an IoT Enthusiast. I am eager to learn and explore tech related stuff! also, I wanted to deliver you the same as much as the simpler way with more informative content. I generally appreciate learning by doing, rather than only learning. Thank you for reading my blog! Happy learning! Follow and send tweets me on @harshvardhanrvm. If you want to help support me on my journey, consider sharing my articles, or Buy me a Coffee!

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